Tragic Plane Crash in Polish Airport Hangar Claims Five Lives

Tragic Plane Crash in Polish Airport Hangar Claims Five Lives

A small aircraft tragically crashed in an airport hangar near Warsaw, the capital of Poland, on Monday. The devastating accident resulted in at least five fatalities and seven injuries, as reported by Health Minister Adam Niedzielski on Twitter.

Emergency Response

In response to the tragic incident, four helicopters and ten ambulances were dispatched to the airport located in the village of Chrcynno, approximately 50 kilometers north of Warsaw. The aircraft involved in the incident was a Cessna 208, according to Polish media reports.

Weather Conditions

During the time of the incident, several individuals were present in the hangar, seeking shelter due to poor weather conditions. A spokesperson from the fire department, speaking to the PAP news agency, identified the inclement weather as the "probable cause" of the crash.

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