Raccoon Freed from Mayonnaise Jar in Florida by Local Police

Raccoon Freed from Mayonnaise Jar in Florida by Local Police

A raccoon was recently rescued from a predicament in a Florida neighborhood. The animal had found itself in a sticky situation, with an empty mayonnaise jar stuck over its head. The rescue mission involved two police officers and an intern from the Plainesville Police Department.

The Unusual Call

The Plainesville Police Department received calls about "a masked bandit with a mayo jar stuck on its head". Officers Chad Balausky and Steve Ettinger, along with a police intern named Gill, responded to the situation. The sight of a raccoon running around with a jar over its head is not what you would typically expect on a night shift.

The Rescue Operation

A video of the rescue depicts the three rescuers chasing the raccoon through a street. They managed to get a catch pole around its neck, enabling them to carefully remove the jar. The incident served as a reminder of the unexpected situations officers can encounter during their shifts, proving that one truly "never knows what you'll see on night shift".

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