Man Returns Book to Library After 65 Years Because It's "Now Relevant"

Man Returns Book to Library After 65 Years Because It's "Now Relevant"

PORTLAND - In 1958, a man borrowed the book 1984 from the library in Portland, USA. However, he never returned it. That is, until 2023, when the library received the book back, along with a short note from the borrower.

The now 86-year-old man, who only used the initials WP, claims that he returned the book now because it is "more relevant than ever before." He refers to the significant influence of social media and the internet. The book is frequently mentioned in discussions and demonstrations advocating for freedom of speech.

In 1984, British author George Orwell depicts a dystopian police state in which freedom and creativity no longer exist, and the state fully controls every aspect of life. The past is regularly rewritten, and all citizens are constantly monitored by the regime of Big Brother.

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