Breastfeeding Mom Accused of 'Flashing' Family by Aunt

Breastfeeding Mom Accused of 'Flashing' Family by Aunt

A recent family picnic turned sour for a new mother when she was accused of 'flashing' her family while breastfeeding her 11-month-old daughter. The allegation came from her own aunt, leaving the mother in a predicament.

The Incident

The mother, who doesn't often see her aunt due to distance, was catching up with her family at a picnic. When her baby needed feeding, she unzipped her nursing tank top and let her child latch on, not anticipating any issue. However, her aunt asked her if she'd like something to cover herself up with, implying that she was making the family uncomfortable.

The Aftermath

The mother shared her experience on Reddit, explaining that she declined the offer to cover up because her daughter pulls off any cover she's tried. She admitted that while she was comfortable feeding her child without a cover, her aunt suggested that the rest of the family might not be. In response, the mother told her aunt that she was more interested in her and her daughter's comfort during feeding, and if it bothered her aunt, she was welcome to move.

Despite this, the mother heard her aunt complaining to her cousins, who later told her that she shouldn't feel so comfortable 'flashing' her family. The mother is now questioning whether she could have handled the situation differently.

Public Opinion

Many Reddit users were quick to reassure the mother that she'd done nothing wrong. One commenter reminded that those offended by the fact that babies eat can shut their eyes or walk away. Another pointed out that people forget they were once helpless infants who needed to be fed. A third suggested that if the aunt finds it appalling to watch a human being consume food, she could throw a tablecloth over her head every time she eats.

In conclusion, the incident highlights the ongoing societal debate about breastfeeding in public and the need for understanding and acceptance of this natural act.

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