AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton quits Google to speak freely about AI risks

AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton quits Google to speak freely about AI risks

Geoffrey Hinton, a pioneer in artificial intelligence (AI), has resigned from Google so he can "speak freely" about the potential risks of AI. Hinton helped create the fundamental technology behind today's generative AI systems and fears that the tech industry's drive to develop AI products could lead to dangerous consequences, such as misinformation, job loss, or even a threat to humanity. Hinton is worried about the proliferation of false information and the potential for AI to upend the job market, eventually replacing human workers in roles such as paralegals, personal assistants, and translators who handle routine tasks. He is also concerned about the possibility that future AI systems could threaten humanity as they learn unexpected behavior from vast amounts of data.

Hinton emphasizes the importance of international regulation and collaboration between leading scientists to prevent AI from becoming uncontrollable. Critics have cast a skeptical eye on Hinton's resignation and regrets, with some suggesting that those who caused the problem are now jumping ship.

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